I was deeply distressed to hear of the death of Peter Catmull. I did not encounter Peter as a teacher - at least not in the sense of being his pupil at Brockhill - but as a talented and versatile theatre director at FHODS (the Folkestone Hythe Operatic and Dramatic Society). During the mid-80's to early 90's he directed some wonderful productions many of which I was fortunate enough to appear in including, I remember, a notable production of 'Abigail's Party' which I recall he was very pleased and proud of. As a director I found him to be supremely talented and inspirational. When I directed my first production there with the Youth Section he went out of his way to show me a complimentary review from the Kent Drama festival which I wouldn't have seen otherwise. He was constantly encouraging but critical when he needed to be - on one particular entrance I remember he told me that I was 'walking like Groucho Marx' which I'm sure was true. When, however, you recieved a compliment from him you knew it was well earned and you cherished it - like water in the desert. I often wondered privately why he didn't pursue a career as a professional director as he was surely talented enough to have succeeded but now I know that his choice of career was perfect - for Peter's interest was always in using his talents and abilities to enhance the lives of others. I truly wish that I had been a pupil at Brockhill rather than Wyndgate as I believe my school years would have been illuminated by his presence. Although I left the area in the early 90's I took a piece of Peter with me. He very kindly gave me a card after one production (I don't remember which) with an image of a sad clown and his dog by the artist Robert Owen. I found it quite beautiful and striking and it has travelled with me wherever I have gone and is now framed on my wall. It has always reminded me of Peter and our brief but fascinating - at least for me - crossing of paths. From my brief time of knowing him I believe his was a life lived with honesty, integrity and understanding. I'm sure he is and will be greatly missed. With warmest thoughts.... Euan Coombs